AdGators News
Hello Ohio!
AdGators Attends Two Ohio Conferences in April and May 2023
Adgators had the privilege to attend the Ohio Judicial Conference Court Technology Conference www.ohiojudges.org in April followed by the Ohio Association of Municipal Courts Conference https://oamccc.org in May.
Thank you to everyone who spent time with us, especially those who participated in our 30 minute presentation at the Technology Conference.
Our Ohio Court customers continue to grow with over 30 different Courts in the state and we appreciate the testimonial from our newest customer Clark County Municipal Court Clerk Sheila E. Rice
“The Clark County Municipal Court has installed a Digital Display to show our daily docket replacing our paper posting of docket information in the Courthouse. The Adgator’s team was efficient, timely, and a pleasure to work with and we are extremely pleased with the outcome of the project”.
Let us know how we can help you with Digital Signage or Kiosk Check In solutions at your Courthouse or Justice Center at adgators.com.
December 21, 2020
Court Today Blog Post : Courthouse Kiosks and Digital Signage Cut Costs and Save Lives

October 21, 2019
AdGators makes a splash at CTC in New Orleans #CTC2019
AdGators continues to expand its govtech footprint and wants to “thank everyone” for stopping by our booth at CTC - Court Technology Conference 2019.
We had a tremendous amount of booth traffic and product demonstrations with Courts throughout the World.
Attending CTC allowed AdGators to demonstrate several advanced features within its Digital Signage - Electronic Docket solution and Self-Service Kiosk application for Visitor Check-in and Queueing. #CTC2019 #CourtTechnologyConference2019
September 18, 2019
AdGators mentioned in Las Cruces Sun News
“LAS CRUCES - There's a new addition in the hallways of the Third Judicial District Court: flatscreen television monitors.”

March 22, 2017
AdGators Featured in CourtsToday article, Ohio Court Turns to Digital Solution.
Our citizens find that they can navigate the courthouse in a much improved manner.
Jim Walsh, IT Director
December 26, 2016
Courts Today : Navigation Solutions

October 22, 2014
CourtsToday.com Features AdGators in Navigation Nation Cover Story
We're happy to announce that CourtsToday.com has featured us in their Cover Story, Navigation Nation. You can read more about the digital signage solutions we provide your Courthouse in the article or direct link below!