Feature List
The list below is in addition to the license subscription features.
Digital Signage
Static data balancer
Sort your case data statically to your preference.
For example, Display 1: A-M and Display 2: N-Z.
Dynamic data balancer
Evenly distribute cases across several screens.
For example, Display 1: ABB-LAT, Display 2: LOV-POR, and Display 3: QOZ-ZAC.
Schedule case data movement in advance or on the fly.
Perfect for courts where Courtrooms or Judge’s might swap or change locations.
Interactive Kiosks
Multiple Party Check-in
If multiple parties exist on a single row of data, each party can Check-in as a single group.
Auto Check-in
Automatically check-in party names that exist on multiple cases.
Perfect for attorney’s representing several clients on a given day.
Check-in timestamps
View the date and time that each individual completed their check-in.
Ask questions for all parties listed in the data file.
Attraction screens
Play an attraction screen to help engage visitors to interact with the kiosk.
Daily reports
Receive a daily report of Check-in respondents via email.
Dynamic email subject line
Create a unique subject line that includes form data.
For example, “John, Doe has Checked-in at Courtroom 2 Kiosk.”
Map directions by waypoints.
Give your visitor the directions from point A (the Kiosk location) to point B (the Courtroom).
Multilingual options
Create multilingual signage and kiosks.